
National Laboratory
for Health Security

8. ENSP – European Conference on Tobacco Control

Dr. Melinda Pénzes and Dr. András Kulja from the Data-driven Health Division of the National Laboratory for Health Security participated in the 8th ENSP - European Conference on Tobacco Control in Florence, Italy, between 10-12 October 2023.

In their presentation, they analysed the role of social media as an innovative smoking prevention platform using data-driven methods. In another presentation, Melinda Pénzes also presented the opportunities and barriers to expanding smoke and aerosol-free spaces in Europe in the framework of the Joint Action on Tobacco Control-2 project. Our experts also successfully completed the practical challenges on tobacco prevention in a real-life setting in Florence during the conference's team-building programme. As the leader of the Data-Driven Health Division at the National Laboratory for Health Security, the Health Services Management Training Centre is committed to improving health security. The project's main research focus is on risk factors that influence our health and industry influencing techniques.