
National Laboratory
for Health Security

Researchers of the Semmelweis University Health Services Management Training Centre attended as winners at the Machine Learning Conference

Researchers of Semmelweis University Health Services Management Training Centre have won first place in the Nightingale Open Science and Association for Health Learning & Inference (AHLI) competition, and have been invited to the Machine Learning for Health (ML4H) conference in New Orleans.

Zsolt Bedőházi and András Biricz, researchers of the Semmelweis University Health Services Management Training Centre, with their team named csabAIbio, including Oz Kilim and Csabai István, won first place at the Nightingale Open Science and Association for Health Learning & Inference (AHLI) competition in January and May of 2023. The international data analysis competition was about analysing digitalised images of tissue samples from breast tumours using self-developed algorithms. After winning first place in both phases of the competition, Zsolt Bedőházi and András Biricz were invited to the Machine Learning for Health (ML4H) conference in New Orleans on 10 December 2023 to present their winning solution for breast cancer staging using deep learning with whole slide image data in the poster session. ML4H is a conference for machine learning researchers, clinicians and health data scientists, providing an excellent forum to showcase the latest developments and results. More information: Association for Health Learning and Inference (AHLI) - https://ahli.cc/ Machine Learning for Health (ML4H) - https://ml4h.cc/2023/