
National Laboratory
for Health Security

Report on the XVIII. IME Health Policy and Healthcare Systems Conference

The XVIII. IME Health Policy and Healthcare Systems Conference was jointly organized by the Semmelweis University Health Services Management Training Center (SE EMK), the leading institute of the Division of Data-Driven Health of the National Laboratory for Health Security and the Hungarian Healthcare Management Association (MEMT) on June 12, 2024 with a record number of participants.

The speakers and the round table discussion participants highlighted many areas of healthcare. Positive examples and progress were highlighted, as well as challenges and cross-sectoral issues that need to be addressed.

The first session opened with a presentation by Dr. Péter Benő Banai, State Secretary for Public Finance. Judit Bidló, Deputy State Secretary responsible for the professional management of healthcare, outlined the healthcare strategy and plans for the next two years. 24.hu published an article in Hungarian.

Zsolt Kiss, Director General of NEAK, discussed the funding premises. At the end of the session, Dr Eszter Sinkó, Health Financing Expert at the National Laboratory for Health Security, Data-driven Health Division, Vice President of MEMT and Programme Director of SE EMK, gave a comprehensive overview of the current situation and challenges of the healthcare sector.

Other topics discussed included debt management, data-driven care management at the National Ambulance Service, the current state of the outpatient management system (JIR), health economic evaluation of organised cancer screening programmes, and the prospects for public and private healthcare to coexist.

Several media outlets covered the conference, including medicalonline.hu and weborvos.hu too.