National Laboratory
for Health Security

Artificial intelligence-based data-driven decisions in healthcare on the Researchers' Night

Experts from the Data-Driven Health Division of the National Laboratory for Health Security also gave a presentation at the Researchers' Night.

Researchers' Night is a series of free events across Europe to promote science and careers in research among young people. This year it took place from 29-30 September, and this year the Health Services Management Training Centre joined the initiative with a presentation entitled "Data-driven decisions in healthcare based on artificial intelligence". Exciting presentations by experts from the Data-Driven Health Division of the National Laboratory for Health Security - Dr. Miklós Szócska, Endre Kontsek, Tamás Kováts, Dr. Péter Pollner - provided a clear understanding of how data-driven solutions based on artificial intelligence can help in everyday medical practice and patient recovery. The Data-Driven Health Division is working to use artificial intelligence to provide systemic diagnostic and therapeutic decision support in as many specialties as possible. With the National Cancer Screening Programme, their main ambition is to bring innovation into everyday life by developing data-driven solutions based on artificial intelligence to help doctors in their daily practices and patients in their recovery.