
National Laboratory
for Health Security

"ICT professional workshop" in honour of the Egyptian delegation's stay in Hungary

Dr. Miklós Szócska, Head of Division of the Data-Driven Health Division at the Health Safety National Laboratory also gave a presentation at the professional event attended by the Egyptian delegation.

The ICT* professional workshop was organised as part of the programme during the Egyptian delegation's stay in Hungary, jointly organised by the Ministry of National Economy and the Neumann Technology Platform (NTP) at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics on 31 January 2024.

*ICT stands for Information and Communication Technologies, which is also the main theme of the National Laboratory for Health Security. The event started with the opening speech of Szabolcs Szolnoki, Deputy State Secretary for Technology of the Ministry of National Economy. Afterwards, the participants of the event had the opportunity to listen to professional presentations about IT and technological innovation. Dr. Miklós Szócska, Dean of the Semmelweis University Faculty of Health and Public Administration and head of the Health Safety National Laboratory Data-Driven Health Division, was among the speakers. Blockchain expert Viktor Urbán presented the activities of the Neumann János Nonprofit Public Benefit Ltd. and the technology coalitions of the Neumann Technology Platform. A short audiovisual review of the event is available on the Neumann Technology Platform's Youtube page.